
A Warm Greeting from our Congregation
Welcome to the Blacklick Creek Christian Church webpage. We want to connect with you and share the amazing work God is doing our midst. We are a family church with the heart of God.
The church is nestled in a beautiful valley near the Laurel Highlands. We are a rural and vibrant church where the pastures are green, the waters are still, and we find refreshment for our souls. We love our God, our country, our church family, community, and world.
We have a rich heritage in which our forebears settled in this region and labored for God and family with the hopes of making the world a better place for our children. By honoring God with our first fruits, God has blessed us and has enabled us to be a blessing to others.
You are invited to be part of the family of God at our church where our Heavenly Father lavishes us with grace. In response to God’s loving kindness, we worship the One True God passionately. God’s Spirit is at work in each of us and although we are not perfect, we pursue the very character and likeness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are co-laborers with Jesus seeking to advance the kingdom whereby the gospel is preached, souls are saved, and people are set-free from the burdens of sin. As a faith community, we honor God with our gifts, talents, and resources. We sow extravagantly with the hope and expectation that the Lord of the harvest will accomplish great and mighty things to the glory of God.
Come join us as we pursue the heart of God which transforms the world.

Funeral of Rev Keith M Dovenspike

One of our past pastors, Rev Keith M Dovenspike passed away this past Friday.
His funeral will be live streamed. The link is listed below
The funeral will be held Saturday, October 28, 2023, at the Alcorn Funeral home at 1:00 p.m.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

We are happy to announce the Blacklick Creek Christian Church will be expanding on the Prayer Shawl Ministry.

The ability to mail prayer shawls is now available for those on our prayer list that we can not personally deliver to, with the availability of the prayer shawls.

If you know someone who would appreciate a prayer shawl on behalf of our church, please provide a member of the prayer shawl with the name and address.

Thank you!

Announcements will go here:

Have a blessed week!